How to Kill your Inner Ms. Perfect

A year ago, I flipped through the lovely cookbook, Kitchen Revelry: A Year of Festive Menus, by the actress Ali Larter and ran across a beautiful image of an Earth Mother’s Brunch.   Hide rugs thrown picnic style, women with flowing locks and cool jewelry languidly enjoying a spring afternoon.  The setting and wardrobe painted a scene way cooler than my mom life at the time.  Stirring mac and cheese, I imagined my best friends and I Photoshopped into it. I knew I would do my version someday, but with three kids and a debilitating streak of perfectionism that keeps me from hosting things more often that I’d like, it took me about a year to actually get around to it.  One year and one text invite later, five of my dearest friends showed up one day before Earth Day to do the live action version of Earth Mamas Brunch. I had planned my own version of outdoor Earth Mother coolness. Garden greens on platters, quiche and bruschettas, babbling pool fountain, earthy tunes, delicious food and coffee to wake up to.   I had a clear cookbook vision in my mind of what it was supposed to look like. At 3am … Continue reading How to Kill your Inner Ms. Perfect